Just Question?
This is a fundamental question that humans have likely asked since the beginning of time. This question is something that would take longer then this blog post, even if I actually could provide the answer. This question is one that most religions try to provide an answer for. I do not know claim to know the answer, just in search of it. The one thing that I do know is that there are many people that have similar answers to this fundamental question. Their understanding of the existence of consciousness existing outside the body are the same. This idea includes different cultures, religions, and different times in history. All these people having a similar collective idea, now I could provide quotes and references for all of the things I’m getting ready state about this topic. However, I am not writing a college paper nor am I trying to persuade anyone in one direction or another. I simply want to provide information, plant a seed and if you want to research it and come to your own conclusions that will be great if not that is fine too. Not only does the same answer exist in all walks of life and span across time but the same or similar answer exists from different sources. The psychic mediums that have proven to be genuine or some would say they just know more than they should. They all have the same conclusion to what happens to consciousness. This conclusion is similar to people who have had past life therapy sessions with a therapist. Their conclusions are the same as people who have had near death experiences. Their conclusions are the same as children whom claim to have existed prior to being born. A type of remembering if you will and knowing things that a three or four year old would know. All of these groups of peoples ideas of what happens to consciousness when we die; also is not exactly but is similar to many main stream religions especially when you account for edited scripture. The missing books of the Bible that do not match the cannon of the church. Now all of these things are lining up with science like quantum physics and they even fall into many of the reality theories that are out there. We will cover many of these topics in future episodes of the podcast, this is my passion and this is what I live for. I am not saying these things are true or false, just reporting what others are saying. I’m writing this particular blog post from a perspective of belief in alternate reality theories. I have my beliefs but will not share at this time. What I do know is that I question. I question everything. I want to know who, what, why, where, how, and what are their motives for providing this information. I hope that my listeners do the same, Question Everything. Because there is so much more to reality/our existence. Be careful with government and media sources providing news as well (Question) because their motives play a role in the type of information they provide. The one thing I have learned since I started down this rabbit hole almost 8 years ago; The more I learn and understand the more I realize how little I know and understand.
“To live is to sleep, to die is to awaken”
A very wise man