Episode 30: Lotus Rising, Giving Children a Voice
This Episode we speak with the founder of Lotus Rising International Maria Aparis. Lotus Rising international is a nonprofit organization that advocates and helps children that have been caught up in the sex trade. They are helping restore hope and rebuilding these Childrens lives. Maria Aparis is also CEO and co-founder of a Quantum Lifestyle Consulting Firm known as The Bliss Factor. In her firm the focus is on health and wellbeing in a holistic spiritual form. They are teaching about proper nutrition and how to get back good gut health. She discusses the many healing aspects the firm offers. Maria has a fascinating story and is a true inspiration for entrepreneurs and people that need health guidance. She is a true pioneer and is helping thousands by bringing light into their lives along with raising the vibration of our planet. She is a leader and advocate in giving abused children hope. A wonderful heartfelt discussion on this episode of In Search of Reality.